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BANDO – EuropeAid – Food Security Thematic Programme in SUDAN

Delegazione Europea in Sudan
Ref: FOOD/SUDAN/2011/03 (Sudan)  
Budget line: DCI-FOOD 2011/023-072 
Scadenza concept note: 24/11/2011
Tipologia: global call restricted (con concept note)
Eleggibilità: NSA, LA e Organizzazioni Internazionali
Co-finanziamento: Max 90%, min EUR 500.000, max EUR 1.500.000  

Budget complessivo: 5.500.000 (EUR)

Obiettivo generale del bando:
The global objective is to achieve a timely and sustainable reduction in the food insecurity of vulnerable groups in exceptional situations of transition and fragility, caused by internal or external factors, thus enabling them to recover from a crisis situation and to take advantage of development opportunities.
Obiettivi specifici:
– Protect, maintain and recover productive and social assets vital for food security, to allow economic reintegration and longer term rehabilitation.
– Improve food security and nutrition of particularly disadvantaged and marginalized groups;
– Build more resilient livelihoods and livelihood alternatives that can withstand climate and environmental change in particular in communities highly dependent on the environment.
– Strengthen local institutions to better address food insecurity and climate threats. 

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