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Aggiornamento bandi Agenzie Nazioni Unite (settembre 2024)

Torna l’aggiornamento sui bandi aperti dalle Agenzie delle Nazioni Unite a livello paese. Si tratta di call for proposal o altri tipi di avvisi emessi dalle sedi locali delle Agenzie delle Nazioni Unite (Unicef, WFP, UNHCR, FAO, ecc) per l’individuazione di attori che implementino attività in diversi ambiti (Food security, Protection, Education, WASH, ecc). Vediamo nel dettaglio quali sono i bandi aperti alla data odierna. Scadenze nel mese di ottobre 2024.

ETIOPIA – UNHCR – Scadenza 13 ottobre 2024

  1. Call for the expression of interest for housing and settlement response in the refugee and IDP context
  2. Call for expression of interest for the Provision of Safety and Access to Justice for Forcibly Displaced People
  3. Call for expression of interest for Child & Youth Protection
  4. Call for expression of interest for Community Engagement and Women’s Empowerment (Including Services for Persons with Specific needs, MHPSS Services, Feedback and Response Mechanisms)
  5. Call for expression of interest for Refugee and host communities’ livelihoods and economic inclusion.
  6. Call for Expression of Interest: Access to Energy and Environmental Rehabilitation
  7. Provision of a comprehensive sustainable Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) package to refugees, asylum seekers and host communities in Ethiopia
  8. Health and nutrition service provision for refugees and asylum seekers in Ethiopia.
  9. Call for expression of interest for GBV Prevention, Risk Mitigation, and Response in Refugee and IDP locations.

PAKISTAN – UNHCR – Scadenza 13 ottobre 2024

  1. Child Protection
  2. Community Based Protection
  3. Stateless persons
  4. Education
  5. Gender Based Violence
  6. General Protection
  7. Health
  8. Livelihoods and Economic Inclusion interventions for refugees in Pakistan
  9. Sustainable Housing and Settlements

CIAD -WFP – Scadenza 12 ottobre 2024

  1. Projet integre de renforcement de la nutrition
  2. Projet Integre de renforcement de la nutrition
  3. Projet Integre de renforcement de la nutrition
  4. Projet Integre de renforcement de la nutrition
  5. Projet Integre pour le renforcement de la nutrition
  6. Projet Integre pour le renforcement de la nutrition

THAILANDIA – UNHCR – Scadenza 31 ottobre 2024

Protection and assistance for Stateless persons in Thailand

INDIA – UNICEF – Scadenza 15 ottobre 2024

Building Climate Resilient Health Systems for Vulnerable Populations in Disaster-prone geographies in Assam

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