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AICS – Procurement/Contract and Financial Manager – Egitto

AICS sede di Cairo sta selezionando un/a Procurement/Contract and Financial Manager da inserire nella sua operatività in Egitto. Durata 12 mesi. Tipo contratto: Tempo det. Scadenza candidature 07/06/2024

Procurement/Contract and Financial Manager – Medium


In coordination with the Programme Manager, the technical team of the Programme and AICS administration, under the supervision of the Head of AICS Cairo, the Procurement/Contract and Financial Manager plays a major role in the financial and administrative management of the initiative including procurement and grant cycles, audit procedures, administrative/financial operations, and oversight.

His/her duties include the following tasks:
1. preparing call for tenders and calls for proposals (including ToR) based on the relevant European procedures and forms (EU-PRAG);
2. managing the awarding procedures of call for proposals and tenders including the finalization of internal and external documents;
3. based on the AICS regulations, acting as “Responsabile del procedimento (RUP)” in case of appointment;
4. supporting the operations of the evaluation committee during the assessment of offers and proposals and acting as member of the evaluation committee if appointed to do so;
5. organizing, during the competition phase, informative sessions of a procedural and financial nature for companies/ consultants/beneficiaries of grant contracts;
6. ensuring maximum visibility of the tender documents on the institutional website of AICS Cairo and on the program website;
7. ensuring the annual publication of the list of beneficiaries and suppliers on the institutional website of AICS and on the program website;
8. preparing administrative and contractual documents;
9. monitoring the execution and closure of contracts and agreements;
10. ensuring the proper functioning of the administrative and financial flow of the Programme including internal control system, accounting, incoming and outgoing flows, payment of expenditure, financial monitoring and reporting;
11. preparing the progress and final financial report of the programme;
12. finalizing the reports of expenses incurred to be certified in the annual” management declaration” signed by the director of AICS Cairo and the payment requests;
13. being responsible for the proper execution of audit procedures (internal and external);
14. Performing any other activities as requested.


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