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WEWORLD – Country Logistics Manager – Siria

WeWorld sta selezionando un/a Country Logistics Manager da inserire nella sua operatività in Siria. Durata 12 mesi. Scadenza candidature 16/02/2022

Country Logistics Manager – Siria

Responsible for: Logistic / Supply Chain Management of Syria Mission to ensure the efficient functioning of the department including Procurement, Fleet, Asset and Equipment Management, Warehouse Equipment and Premises Management, archiving and reporting

Location: Damascus, Syria

Type of contract: a first 3 (three) month collaboration contract subject to verification of the achievement of specific objectives (these objectives will be agreed together with the Country Representative upon arrival on assignment); a second collaboration contract of 9 (nine) months renewable, following the positive evaluation of the first three months of contract.

Deadline: 16 February 2022

Starting date: March 2022

Gross Salary: to be defined according to the candidate’s profile


WeWorld-GVC , recently constituted from the merger of two NGOs, is an Italian secular and independent organization working since 1971 in international cooperation and humanitarian aid. Present in 29 countries with 128 projects, WeWorld-GVC  operates in the following areas of assistance: human rights (gender equality, prevention and combating violence against children and women, migration), humanitarian aid (prevention, emergency relief and rehabilitation), food security, access to water, health and hygiene, education, global citizenship education, quality teaching and international volunteering. WeWorld-GVC  works mostly with girls, boys, women and youth, actors of change in every community for a fairer and more inclusive world. Supports people overcoming emergencies and guarantees a life with dignity, opportunities and a better future through human and economic development programs, in the framework of the 2030 Agenda. Joining the WeWorld-GVC  team means being part of the development of a dynamic organization where the contribution of each staff member is promoted and valued, working together towards the collective achievement of shared goals and vision.

At present, the main donors are Italy (AICS), the EU (DG ECHO), UNICEF, OCHA, UNHABITAT and Belgium (DGD).

Working context:

The presence of WeWorld-GVC in Syria dates back to 2011, providing humanitarian assistance to the Syrian population and IDPs through several interventions funded by multiple donors (ECHO, UN-OCHA, UNICEF, AICS – Italian cooperation Agency). WEWORLD-GVC   has focused its action in Aleppo, Rural Damascus and Deir-Ez-Zor HTR areas implementing Education and Wash interventions. Educational interventions, in line with INEE standards and the Back to School strategy, are aiming at strengthening the educational system promoting access to quality education through the creation of protective and inclusive learning spaces with disability and gender-sensitive Wash infrastructures, teacher training on active education and psychosocial support. The Wash projects have focused in increasing access to safe water for the vulnerable population, through the reparation of water and sanitation infrastructures, rehabilitation and equipment of filling points and the promotion of appropriate hygiene practices. WeWorld-GVC is currently present in Syria with a coordination office in Damascus and two field offices operating in Aleppo and Deir-Ez-Zor.

Purpose of the Role

WeWorld-GVC is recruiting a Country Logistics Manager based in Damascus. She/He works under the direct responsibility of the Country Representative and under the technical management of the Logistics & Procurement Unit Manager. She/He works in coordination with: The Logistics teams, the Country Finance Manager, Syrian Programs Coordinators and the Projects Managers.

Main tasks and responsibilities

General Responsibilities

  • Ensures strict application and respect of WeWorld-GVC and Donors procurement procedures and guidelines
  • Adapts the Global Manuals and guidelines to the Country context
  • Ensures the Logistics Department and its teams are involved and contributing in every step of the supply chain and project cycle to ensure efficiency
  • Supports and build capacity the logistics staff working on the mission through specific training plans and follow up to scale up and augment current procurement and logistics capability
  • Ensures HR setup is proactively and properly sized to the level of operations
  • Ensures team respects HR and ethical standards
  • Ensures smooth collection and/or dissemination of relevant logistics information at mission level by maintaining optimal coordination routine system and tools (meetings, reports, situation points…)
  • Promotes and ensures a pro-active link between the programs and logistics team and plays an interface role when needed
  • Strengths the presence in the Country for ensuring high level of collaboration with all the stakeholders (technical working group, partners forum, authorities, communities, vendors)
  • Liaise closely where appropriate with Logistics Cluster, partner agencies, government and other relevant stakeholders to identify / leverage in-country common service opportunities where applicable


  • Supervises and support the management of Procurement Procedures in accordance to WeWorld-GVC  Global Procurement Manual and Donor Guidelines from the planning to the completion
  • Establishes Contract Management routine throughout project cycle including the close follow up on complex Contracts
  • Ensures procurement documents and files are archived and organized according to Archiving Guidelines to ensure effective organization and compliance for audits and reviews
  • Creates Performance management processes for evaluating new/existing vendors and record information
  • Establishes a specific Procurement strategy for ensuring high quality procurement processes and outputs
  • Forecasts all upcoming launches and status updates as to balance the Procurement work load in accordance with projects goals and timing

Fleet Management

  • Supervises the optimization of the fleet
  • Ensures the respect of standards vehicle management procedures
  • Supervises the general follow up of the mission vehicles and reports (consumption checks, maintenance movement planning…)
  • Conduct spot checks

Asset/ Equipment Management

  • Ensures the respect of standard procedures and ensure the implementation of specific controls/checks
  • Ensures the correct management and the follow up of the equipment used on the mission (asset/equipment management database, coding, distribution, handover..)
  • Ensures regular inventory are done and feed properly the mission’s procurement tactics

Warehouse and Premise Management

  • Supervise and support the Logistics team to ensure the office has necessary supplies and equipment and all items are well maintained
  • Provides advice and guidance on all warehouse management related matters and conducts on-the-job introduction to warehouse management


  • Centralizes all logistics information available on the mission and consolidates a monthly report
  • Assess logistics intra and inter department reporting quality for accuracy, punctuality and effectivity and support logistics coordinator in deploying effective reporting structure
  • Responsible for preparing supplies/service provider data base and draft resource map for existing projects
  • Supervise the Procurement Plan creation and updating
  • Input procurement data for Interim and final procurement reports in accordance to donor needs

Security Management

  • Contribute to the implementation safety & security guidelines, SOP & plans
  • Support the preparedness (check contingency kits, first aid kits etc.) to evacuation and contingency plans
  • Participating actively to logistics and security coordination as well as information meetings


Qualifications and Knowledge

  • Master or equivalent in Logistics / Procurement / Engineering
  • Deep understanding of the Syria context
  • Fluent in English essential

 Professional experience

  • At least 3 years in humanitarian Logistics with 2 years in similar positions in a comparable context
  • Strategic Planning experience with strong analytical skills
  • Representation experience with institutions and participation in coordination meetings
  • Extensive experience in logistics and/or security management and procedures

 Skills and Abilities

  • Leadership, planning, organization and teamwork skills
  • Proactive and dynamic attitude
  • Ability to adapt and work under constraint, under pressure and in complex and multicultural contexts
  • Interpersonal skills and intercultural approach
  • Good listening and communication skills
  • Good negotiation and conflict resolution skills
  • Strong commitment to the Mission of WeWorld-GVC , genuine interest for international cooperation development topics
  • Demonstrates integrity with regards to NGO values and ethical standards
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
  • Treats all people fairly without favouritism


  • Experience in large works contracts would be considered an asset
  • Previous work experiences in Syria
  • Knowledge of Arabic is an asset


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