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Oikos – Due nuove figure

Istituto Oikos sta selezionando un/a Project Manager e un/a Assistente all’Amministratore Paese da inserire nella sua operatività in Tanzania. Scadenza candidature 12 e 15 febbraio 2018



Project Manager – Tanzania
PROJECT: “Greater Kilimanjaro initiatives to enhance community participation in sustainable conservation of the trans frontier ecosystem and wildlife” – Project funded by EuropeAid
DUTY STATION: Arusha (Tanzania) with field missions in project area (Greater Kilimanjaro Ecosystem: in Tanzania includes the Enduimet Wildlife Management Area; in Kenya the Olgulului-Ololarashi Group Ranch (OOGR) and 4 conservancies to the Tanzania border).
DURATION OF THE CONTRACT: 12 months (renewable for others 2 years)
STARTING DATE: March 1st 2018
General duties: The Project Manager will be in charge of the planning, implementation, monitoring and supervision of all project activities in conformity with the project document and the donor’s procedures. The PM will work under the supervision of the Project Coordinator (main applicant) and in coordination with the Project Manager of the activities carried out in Kenya, contracted by the African Conservation Center (project co-applicant).


Key responsibilities
Management and coordination of the project’s staff allocated to the project’s implementation.
Particularly, in coordination with Oikos Country Administrator the PM will:
develop the Terms of Reference for the project personnel;
carry out the candidates’ selection;
prepare local contracts;
supervise staff field’s work, monthly timesheets and reports.
Prepare the needed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Oikos, the local authorities and key stakeholders for the implementation of the Action in Tanzania and ensure that all the relevant MoUs are in place in the Kenyan section.
Coordinate project activities with the co-applicant, relevant actors (local authorities at Regional, District, Wards and village level) and significant project stakeholders.
Provide technical support for project activities, among others:
land use and mapping with a focus on viable wildlife corridors;
human wildlife conflict mitigation measures;
community based wildlife tourism;
facilitate roundtables and workshops among project stakeholders in both countries.
Support the design of the Monitoring & Evaluation Plan according to the Logical Framework of the Project; in particular, identify project indicators to monitor the impact of project activities and results and organize the baseline data collection.
Prepare a visibility and communication plan, following the donor’s procedures and under the supervision of Istituto Oikos’ visibility & communication team.
Organize and coordinate the missions of international experts, local consultants and EU officers.
Manage, in collaboration with the Country Administrator, the project financial resources in compliance with Oikos’ internal procedures and donor’s procedures.

In particular support the following:
monthly control of the budget and of the expenditures incurred;
verification of the monthly financial reports to be shared with Oikos’ financial departments;
preparation of the budget requests;
if needed, prepare donor’s budget amendments and no-cost extensions supporting documents.


Compile the following reports:
A monthly technical report (based on the reports of the technical staff) to be submitted to Istituto Oikos HQ according to Oikos procedures and formats.
An annual technical report as per donor’s procedure, in collaboration with the Project Coordinator, to be submitted to Istituto Oikos HQ for preliminary approval. The PM will also support the preparation of an annual financial report in collaboration with Oikos Country Administrator.
A Result Oriented Monitoring (ROM) report to be submitted according to the donor’s requirements.
Any other report and supporting document that might be required.


Master’s Degree in Science (Wildlife Biology, Environmental Sciences, Ecology, Agronomy, Forestry or related)
At least 6 years of experience in the field of rural development and international cooperation projects. Strong experience in African context with EU funded projects will be considered an added value.
Capacity to plan, implement and monitor field activities.
Strong experience in working in consortia of partners and committed to teamwork.
Effective communication, motivating leadership and interpersonal skills.
Very good reporting writing skills and computer literacy.
Sound knowledge of EU procedures (management of the financial resources, monitoring & evaluation, visibility activities, reporting).
Excellent command of spoken and written English language.
The knowledge of Ki-Swahili will be considered an added value.


DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: February the 12th, 2018
HOW TO APPLY: Interested candidates should send their CV, a letter of motivation and the details of 3 people for professional references to, indicating Vacancy Notice PM/TZ/2018 in the subject line.  Only short listed candidates will be contacted.


The project aims at increasing communities’ capacities to support sustainable ecosystem management and wildlife conservation through improved pastoralist livelihood, land and livestock management in the Greater Kilimanjaro Ecosystem (Greater Amboseli, Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Meru, Enduimet CWMA ecosystems).


Applicant: Oikos East Africa
Co-applicant: African Conservation Center (ACC)
Affiliated entity: Istituto Oikos
Starting date : 23 December 2017
Duration: 3 years


Wildlife movements within the greater Kilimanjaro-Amboseli Ecosystem are secured by enhancing community participation in conservation of the transboundary Minimum Viable Conservation Areas (MVCAs) and connectivities
Participatory Resource Mapping (wildlife/livestock/land use) and identification of MVCAs and realistic conservation strategies;
Implementation of key activities in Amboseli Ecosystem Management Plan and Olgulului-Olorashi Group Ranch (OOGR) Conservation & Development Plan, (Kitirua and Kitenden Conservancies);
Land use plan for Rombo Group Ranches;
Protection of the Iliangarunyori/Maparasha corridor in the SORALO landscape.


Community participation in Transboundary Conservation is incentivised through wildlife-based enterprises and livelihood development and conflict is reduced through mitigation measures
Improving productivity of pastoral production systems;
Development of community based eco-tourism products;
Governance training of the Enduimet CWMA and OOGR Board;
Exchange of knowledge between the Enduimet WMA and Olgulului-Olorashi GR to improve cross-border coordination;
Conflict working groups, response protocols, information sharing and training in mitigation measures.


Wildlife crime decreased through education, communication and collaboration between cross border key stakeholders
Development of transboundary community cooperation through communication enhancement;
Design of ad hoc wildlife conservation communication products for local communities;
Conservation awareness raising through educational activities;
Communication and marketing investments for community-based tourism products;
Tourism product development training for community members.




Assistente all’Amministratore Paese – Tanzania

Competenze generali:
Supporto all’Amministratore Paese nella gestione amministrativa e logistica della sede di Arusha, coadiuvandolo nell’assicurare l’uniformità delle procedure amministrative nel rispetto delle esigenze dei donatori e dell’organizzazione, la regolare rendicontazione dei progetti e assicurando la corretta tenuta delle scritture contabili dell’associazione. Darà supporto inoltre nella pianificazione, supervisione e reportistica periodica di tutte le funzioni amministrative relative a progetti e programmi: contabilità, controllo del budget, procurement, rapporti finanziari e monitoraggio. Assicurerà infine il supporto all’Amministratore Paese nella scrittura di nuove proposte, nella gestione amministrativa di Oikos East Africa, nella amministrazione delle imprese sociali costituite e nella gestione del personale.


Competenze specifiche
Gestione economica e finanziaria dei progetti e delle imprese sociali:
Collaborazione con l’Amministratore Paese nella gestione economica e finanziaria dei progetti. In particolare l’Assistente dovrà:
Verificare che le risorse finanziarie messe a disposizione dai progetti siano spese secondo quanto previsto dai budget di progetto e in accordo con le procedure definite dai singoli donatori.
Autorizzare – in assenza dell’Amministratore Paese – le spese correnti e straordinarie e verificare la loro corretta esecuzione e la corretta assegnazione sulla base dei budget di progetto e dei budget annuali.
Assicurare che una documentazione corretta e completa della contabilità sia mantenuta e registrata in accordo con le normative e le procedure amministrative dei principali donors (Unione Europea, Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo, USAID, etc) e secondo le procedure interne di Oikos.
Verificare la correttezza formale della tenuta della contabilità dei singoli progetti, dei partner di progetto e delle imprese sociali, ivi comprese la gestione dei conti correnti, le chiusure mensili e le riconciliazioni periodiche.
Supervisionare il personale amministrativo e logistico, i capi-progetto ed il personale delle imprese sociali nella corretta compilazione delle prime note contabili.
Dare supporto nella preparazione dei rapporti finanziari mensili, trimestrali e annuali nel rispetto delle scadenze previste.
Aggiornare i file gestionali per il monitoraggio dei progetti e delle imprese sociali (SAL).
Dare supporto nella preparazione delle richieste fondi ai donors e a Istituto Oikos.
Dare supporto nella preparazione e svolgimento degli audit di progetto.


Risorse Umane:
Supporto nella preparazione di contratti relativi a consulenti, personale e volontari di Oikos East Africa.
Supporto nella gestione amministrativa dello staff nazionale (salari, contratti, ferie, permessi, valutazione, etc.).
Supporto nella gestione dei volontari del Programma “Servizio Civile”.


Predisposizione, aggiornamento e gestione degli inventari in funzione delle procedure interne Oikos.
Supporto nella predisposizione e supervisione delle procedure di acquisto coerentemente alle linee guida interne di Oikos e dei rispettivi donatori.
Supporto nella preparazione di contratti (servizio, opere e beni).


Requisiti richiesti:
Formazione nel settore amministrativo-contabile e di business management;
Ottima conoscenza scritta e parlata della lingua inglese;
Buone conoscenze informatiche (pacchetto office, internet, skype) ed autonomia nella gestione di software amministrativi;
Capacità di lavorare in equipe.
Esperienze pregresse nel settore e la conoscenza della lingua swahili costituiranno titolo preferenziale.


Per candidarsi inviare CV (con 3 referenze) e lettera di motivazione (1 pagina massimo) – con autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali in base al D.Lgs 196/2003 – a: entro il 15 FEBBRAIO 2018. Indicare nell’oggetto: “AA/TZ/18”


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