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AVSI – Tre nuove posizioni

La ONG Avsi sta selezionando tre nuove figure da inserire nella sua operatività in Siria, Sud Sudan e Burundi. Scadenze per le candidature 31 ottobre e 6 novembre 2017



Program Director – Syria
Closing Date: October 31, 2017
Duty Station: Damascus
Period: 12 months
Starting Date: November 15, 2017


Main objective: Under the overall supervision of the Syria Country Director and the Syria Regional Director, the Syria Program Director has the key responsibility to coordinate and ensure the successful development and optimal implementation of AVSI’s program in Syria.
Reporting to: Country Director (1st Supervisor), Regional Program Director (2nd Supervisor)


Specific duties:
Contributing to the overall strategic planning for AVSI’s mission and leading the field program implementation
In collaboration with the Country Director and the Regional Program Director, contributing to set up and maintain a network among donors and key stakeholders to actively seek funding opportunities, help increase the quality of proposals, understand donor priorities and ensure coordination
In cooperation with Country Director and Regional Program Director, provide adequate support and supervision to senior programme staff, follow-up all phases of the Project cycle management (PCM)
Write project proposals for major donors
In case of specific request coming from the Country Director or the Regional Program Director, represent AVSI at district-level coordination meetings (Clusters, Working Groups) and share with the supervisors the main points of the discussions
Contributing to the recruitment, inception and training of AVSI’s programme staff


Essential Requirement:
Candidate profile:
University degree, preferably in a topic related to project management or international development; a Master on Humanitarian Studies or African Studies an asset
At least 5/7 years of professional experience in humanitarian / emergency contexts
Fluent in English. French an asset
Previous experience in Syria an asset


Specific Skills and Competencies
Solid leadership and staff management skills, with a record of managing large, diverse teams and contributing to the capacity building to national and international staff
Solid leadership and staff management skills, with a record of managing large, diverse teams and contributing to the capacity building to national and international staff
Familiarity with the conflicts settings
Strong internal and external coordination and representation skills
Strong capacity to work under-pressure
Strong facilitation skills
Strong communication skills and cross cultural sensitivity
Willingness to travel within the country


How to apply:
Send your CV by email to Please, specify in the subject of the mail the code of the position you are applying for. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Code: 4517-PROGDIR-SYR


Include also:
1.Name, position and contacts (telephone and mail) of two referees.
2.First date of availability to take up place in the field.


Operation Manager South Sudan
Closing Date: November 6, 2017
Duty Station: Juba, South Sudan
Period: 1 year (renewable)
Starting Date: January 1, 2018


Main objective:
Under the lead of the Country Director, Play a key role in the development and implementation of the country programme direction and strategy
Ensure compliance with AVSI policies and local laws including NGO law, tax, employment, Health & Safety, Insurance and any other applicable laws, providing a framework for effective policy implementation
Developing and implementing annual departmental plans in line with the country annual plan and measuring performance against key indicators
Comply and support the implementation and correct application in all AVSI South Sudan offices and field bases of all Procedures (South Sudan Operations Manual) and guidelines and actively engage in problem solving through informed and innovative solutions
Represent AVSI in technical forums and to donors and other external stakeholders (including the media) as requested by the Country Director
Understand and uphold AVSI core values and behaviours (focus on outcomes, initiative; integrity, accountability, and realizing potential) and ensure their adoption and implementation by all staff
Reporting to: AVSI South Sudan Country Representative


Specific duties:
As a member of the Strategic Management Team
Under the lead of the Country Director, to play a key role in setting /developing as well as implementing policy and strategic direction of the country programme
To actively engage in problem solving through informed and innovative solutions
To comply and support the implementation of all procedures and guidelines
To support AVSI teams in delivery of quality programmes through coordination, advice, information sharing & analysis
To co-ordinate activities between all field sites in South Sudan and the country office in Juba


Operational Management
Represent AVSI South Sudan in technical forums and to donors and other external stakeholders (including the media), when requested by the Country Director
Overall responsibility for effective and efficient management of the field projects consistent with the project management cycle and AVSI’s systems, policies and procedures
Ensure compliance by providing a framework for effective policy implementation
Ensure the developing and implementation of annual departmental plans (finance and administration, HR, Logistic) in line with AVSI HQ policies
Work closely with the Country Director, Logistics, HR, Administration Managers as well as Program Managers to ensure quality programme implementation
Maintain grant management database and oversee grant management including timely reporting in line with the relevant donor contracts and compliance requirements
Ensure adherence to timelines for all relevant proposals and review as necessary
Line-manage the AVSI Project Coordinators to ensure that appropriate management, administration, personnel, logistic, finance, and communication systems are in place and followed
Coordinate activities and maintain continuous communication flow between the field sites and the country office in Juba
Ensure monitoring systems are in place and that project reviews/audits are carried out periodically in conjunction with the team, Country Director, local stakeholders and project partners
Through regular field visits and good communication with field sites provide sound technical advice on the operational aspects of project management i.e. logistics, HR, finance and administration


Programme Development
Ensure all relevant authorities are included in the planning and implementation of projects as appropriate
Draw up plans, proposals and budgets for new projects/extensions of projects in conjunction with the relevant team and financial staff
Proactively contribute to programme development and strategy


Ensure all projects adhere to AVSI’s systems and procedures (administrative, financial and logistical) so that effective and efficient support functions contribute to improvement of programme quality
Ensure that project implementation meets donor compliance requirements
Together with the Administration and Finance Manager, Logistics Manager and Human Resources Manager, provide the Project Coordinators the necessary support to ensure appropriate AVSI administrative, financial and logistics systems/procedures are in place, maintained and adhered to so that all support functions are carried out effectively and efficiently
Ensure AVSI in complies with all legal and bureaucratic requirements in country
Support field sites in the timely preparation of projected expenditures each month (cash book management) and discuss/analyse monthly Financial Planning and reports
Exercise accurate budget control and ensure financial management at project sites are in line with relevant project proposals
Oversee budgets revision/realignments for submission to donors and provide advice and assistance where necessary
Ensure that an overview of project spending and financial reporting is maintained and
provide advice and assistance whenever required


Human Resource Management
Plan national and international staff requirements and liaise with the Human Resource Manager
Work with Country Director to maintain up-to-date job descriptions for international staff
Together with the HR Manager and Project Coordinators prepare and maintain job descriptions for national staff
Ensure that AVSI’s staff policies and procedures are understood and correctly followed
In liaison with the Country Director ensure that new members are adequately briefed on arrival in the Country and Field offices and debriefed when departing
Together with HR Manager and Project Coordinators ensure a robust recruitment and selection process and a legally compliant disciplinary and dismissal procedure is established for national staff


With the Country Director’s approval, represent AVSI to donors, local institutions and authorities, NGOs and other parties as necessary

Essential Requirement:
University degree in Business Administration, Economics or equivalent
2 years of experience in development/Humanitarian context
At least 2 years of experience as finance/administration manager
Proficient knowledge of English (written and oral)
Proficient knowledge of the standard IT software
Strong capacities of financial management and planning
Leadership and training skills
Corporate managing and organizational skills
Capacities of managing of external audits


How to apply:
Send your CV by email to Please, specify in the subject of the mail the code of the position you are applying for. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Code: 4617-OM-SUD


Include also:
1.Name, position and contacts (telephone and mail) of two referees.
2.First date of availability to take up place in the field.




Country Representative Burundi
Scadenza per la ricezione delle proposte: 31/10/2017
Sede di lavoro: Bujumbura, Burundi
Periodo: 1 anno
Data d’inizio: 20/11/2017


Obiettivo principale: Rappresenta la Fondazione AVSI in Burundi ed è responsabile delle attività progettuali e del personale nazionale ed espatriato di AVSI in Burundi
Referente: AVSI Regional Manager


Mansioni principali:
Definisce insieme al Regional Manager le strategie del paese
Attua le suddette strategie, sviluppando attività e nuove proposte progettuali, insieme al Regional Manager in collaborazione con le diverse aree e figure trasversali di AVSI (Area progetti, Fundraising, Comunicazione, Knowledge Center, Amministrazione, Focal Point).
Contribuisce allo sviluppo di relazioni interne tra le varie funzioni in AVSI.
Sviluppa relazioni con le Autorità del paese e con le rappresentanze diplomatiche presenti nel paese, con istituzioni pubbliche, private, religiose e culturali, incluso ONG e Agenzie Internazionali presenti ed operanti nel paese.
Sviluppa e prepara collaborazioni ed accordi con autorità locali, donatori ed agenzie internazionali in intesa e con il consenso di AVSI Italia.
Predispone e definisce i budget economici/finanziari di paese/progetto in collaborazione e accordo con il Regional Manager e i Capi Progetto.
Pianifica, coordina e gestisce tutte le attività di AVSI nel paese secondo le regole della “good governance” e nel pieno rispetto della legge locale.
Supervisiona tutte le attività progettuali di AVSI presenti nel paese.
Supporta lo sviluppo dei partner del network di AVSI, in particolare i fondatori, assicurando la collaborazione e l’assistenza tecnica da parte di diverse aree e figure trasversali in AVSI.
Coordina il lavoro dello staff espatriato e locale, supportandolo, valorizzandolo e guidandolo verso gli obiettivi prefissati, curandone il coinvolgimento e la crescita anche attraverso strumenti di gestione precisi quale il Comitato di Management.
È responsabile di tutto il personale AVSI operante nel paese, nazionale ed internazionale.
È responsabile per la sicurezza del personale, dei beni di AVSI e dei progetti in corso nel paese.
Supporto e sviluppo di ogni altra attività assegnata e discussa con i responsabili di AVSI in Italia.

In particolare il Country Representative si farà carico della implementazione del Piano di lavoro 2016-2018 per il paese, approvato dal Consiglio d’Amministrazione AVSI ogni anno, che costituisce parte integrante della job description.
Il raggiungimento degli obiettivi previsti dal piano per ogni singolo paese sarà valutato ogni anno insieme al Segretario Generale e al Regional Manager ed è parte integrante della valutazione della performance.


Requisiti essenziali
Studi post-laurea settoriali o pregressa esperienza all’estero, di almeno cinque anni, nella gestione di progetti per una ONG internazionale; esperienze sul campo in contesti di emergenza complessa costituiscono un requisito preferenziale.
Forti capacità relazionali e di leadership partecipativa; capacità di motivare il personale fornendo una forte leadership ad un team basato in un ambiente instabile e complesso.
Forti capacità di comunicazione orale e scritta; abilità di negoziazione; ottime competenze informatiche.
Ottime capacità organizzative, amministrative e gestionali; capacità di rispettare le scadenze e gestire a seconda delle priorità le diverse attività.
Comprovata conoscenza dei donator privati, UE, Governo degli Stati Uniti, Nazioni Unite e donatori multilaterali.
Ottima conoscenza della lingua francese; la conoscenza dell’inglese costituisce un requisito preferenziale.


Come applicare:
Inviare il CV a indicando chiaramente in oggetto il codice vacancy. A seguito della ricezione del CV, saranno contattate solamente le persone scelte per una prima selezione (short list). Codice: 4417-CR-BUR


1.Due contatti per referenze.
2.La data di disponibilità.


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