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Aggiornamento bandi Agenzie Nazioni Unite (marzo 2024)

Torna l’aggiornamento sui bandi aperti dalle Agenzie delle Nazioni Unite a livello paese. Si tratta di call for proposal o altri tipi di avvisi emessi dalle sedi locali delle Agenzie delle Nazioni Unite (Unicef, WFP, UNHCR, FAO, ecc) per l’individuazione di attori che implementino attività in diversi ambiti (Food security, Protection, Education, WASH, ecc). Vediamo nel dettaglio quali sono i bandi aperti alla data odierna. Scadenze nei mesi di marzo e aprile 2024.

Central African Republic – UNHCR – Health
Accès aux Soins de Santé en Faveur des Réfugiés, Demandeurs d’Asile et les Populations Hôtes
Scadenza: 15-Mar-24

Central African Republic – UNHCR – Education
Accès à l’Education de qualité en faveur des Réfugiés et Demandeurs d’Asile
Scadenza: 15-Mar-24

Afghanistan – UNICEF – Education
Support the construction of public-schools and Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) facilities in 20 schools in Urozgan Province
Scadenza: 15-Mar-24

Cameroon – UNICEF – Social Policy and Advocacy
Transferts monétaires humanitaires de l’UNICEF pour les ménages vulnérables incluant les enfants marginalisés dans les localités cibles
Scadenza: 12-Apr-24

Pakistan – UNICEF – Protection
Strengthening the community-based child protection system to prevent child protection rights violations in Gilgit Baltistan
Scadenza: 15-Mar-24

Burundi – UNICEF – WASH and Environment
Appel à manifestation d’intérêt (AMI) à l’endroit des Organisations de la Société Civile (OSC) pour la mise en œuvre des projets de l’UNICEF dans les domaines : Eau Potable, Assainissement, Promotion d’Hygiène et adaptation 
Scadenza: 18-Mar-24

Ukraine – UNICEF – Logistics, Education, Cross Sectoral Areas, Health, Protection
Delivery of Essential Emergency Supplies and Outreach Services to Affected Areas of Donetsk Oblast
Scadenza: 17-Mar-24

Mozambique – WFP – Food Security, Nutrition
Strengthening smallholder farmers’ capacities to overcome climate change-induced food and nutrition insecurity _ Tete Province
Scadenza: 17-Mar-24

Kenya – UNICEF – Cross Sectoral Areas
Social and behaviour change for Reproductive Maternal Neonatal Child Adolescent Health and Nutrition (RMNCAHN) Equity Program
Scadenza: 15-Mar-24

Zambia – UNICEF – WASH and Environment
Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion and Sustainability of WASH Services in Luapula Province, Zambia
Scadenza: 15-Mar-24

Bosnia and Herzegovina – UNICEF – Cross Sectoral Areas
Call for Universities to design and develop a U-Report BiH Promotion Campaign
Scadenza: 19-Mar-24

Mauritania – UNICEF – WASH and Environment, Protection, Health, Cross Sectoral Areas, Education, Nutrition, Social Policy and Advocacy
Sélection des Organisations de la Société Civile pour la mise en œuvre du Programme-Pays 2024 -2027 de l’UNICEF en Mauritanie
Scadenza: 12-Apr-24

Moldova – UNICEF – Education
Operationalization of the Play and Learning Hubs (PLHs) established across the regions of Moldova
Scadenza: 22-Mar-24

Iraq – UNICEF – Cross Sectoral Areas, Social Policy and Advocacy
Promoting Young people Skilling and Green Skills, Employability, Entrepreneurship and Engagement initiatives in Ninawa and Duhok
Scadenza: 17-Mar-24

Burkina Faso – UNICEF – Nutrition
Mise en œuvre des interventions de prévention et prise en charge de la malnutrition sous toutes ses formes au Burkina Faso, avec focus dans les huit régions.
Scadenza: 15-Mar-24

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