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La Cultural Relations Platform sta selezionando Esperti/e per lo sviluppo di materiali formativi sulla cooperazione internazionale. Lavoro da remoto. Durata 5 mesi. Tipo contratto: Tempo det. Scadenza candidature 15/01/2024

The Cultural Relations Platform is recruiting several experts in the field of international cultural relations for an assignment in the development of learning and training materials which will be delivered to staff of global EU Delegations as well as EU institutions at headquarters in Brussels. The materials will be used for an online training with various digital modules focusing on different global issues linking to culture, such as:

  • Culture & Public Diplomacy
  • Culture & Creative Industries for Economic Growth
  • Culture, Conflict Prevention & Peacebuilding
  • Culture & Youth
  • Culture & Sustainable Development
  • Culture & Social Cohesion
  • Culture, Human Rights & Freedom of Speech
  • Intercultural Dialogue & Cultural Awareness
  • Culture & Disinformation
  • Culture & Protecting Cultural Heritage in Conflict Zones

A full description of the profile of required experts as well as the timeframe can be found in the open call for experts.

  • Assignments should start on February 2024 until June 2024.

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