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Aggiornamento bandi EuropeAid (Marzo 2022)

Torna l’aggiornamento sui bandi paese aperti presso EuropeAid a livello globale e paese. In molti casi si tratta di bandi aperti localmente con fondi residui dei programmi dello scorso settennato come Organizzazioni della società civile e alle Autorità locali e European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR). Vediamo nel dettaglio quali sono i bandi aperti alla data odierna. Scadenze comprese tra i mesi di Marzo e Maggio 2022

LIBANO (Neighbourhood)
173770 – Stimulating the Innovation Ecosystem in Lebanon
Scadenza: 07/04/2022

173802 – Support to in-country civil society actors in conflict prevention, peace-building and crisis preparedness in the Americas ¿ Colombia and Brazil
Scadenza: 10/04/2022

SIRIA (Neighbourhood)
173617 – Call for Proposals under the Thematic Programme on Human Rights and Democracy – Syria Country Allocation 2021
Scadenza: 11/04/2022

MOZAMBICO (Non-State Actors and Local Authorities)
173716 – Sociedade Civil em Prol da Paz e da Gestão Sustentável dos Recursos Naturais
Scadenza: 11/04/2022

MOLDOVA (Neighbourhood)
173573 – Support for Civil Society in the Republic of Moldova
Scadenza: 12/04/2022

173688 – Convocatoria derechos humanos y sociedad civil en Colombia – 2022
Scadenza: 18/04/2022

NAMIBIA (Non-State Actors and Local Authorities)
173820 – Support to Civil Society in Namibia: Strengthening Civil Society as independent actors of good governance and development in their own right
Scadenza: 18/04/2022

FILIPPINE (Human Rights)
173639 – NDICI-DHR CBSS 2022 Call for Proposals Philippines
Scadenza: 19/04/2022

TUNISIA (Neighbourhood)
173666 – Promouvoir et protéger les défenseurs des droits humains et des libertés fondamentales
Scadenza: 22/04/2022

ALBANIA (PreAccession Countries / New Member States)
173618 – EU for socio-economic development (as alternative to drugs cultivation and trafficking) phase2
Scadenza: 06/05/2022

KOSOVO (PreAccession Countries / New Member States)
173594 – Support to the Assembly
Scadenza: 10/05/2022 (under UNSCR 1244/99)
173691 – Increasing Research Capacities in Kosovo
Scadenza: 27/05/2022 (under UNSCR 1244/99)

173687 – Support to Civil Society Organisations, Civil Society Facility-2021 and European Instrument for Human Rights and Democracy (EIDHR) Country Based Support Scheme (CBSS) – 2021 Montenegro
Scadenza: 31/05/2022

173816 – 3rd Call for Proposals Cross-border Programme Serbia – Montenegro 2014-2020 under the Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II), allocations 2018, 2019 and 2020
Scadenza: 01/06/2022

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