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AMREF/CCM – Consulente – Etiopia

Amref Health Africa – Comitato Collaborazione Medica ONLUS sta selezionando un/a Consulente per la realizzazione di uno studioin Etiopia . Durata 1 mese. Scadenza candidature 02/03/2021

Consultancy for the realization of a social study for the analysis of psychosocial and health problems of migrants and returnees, victims of abuse and violence and dissemination of results, in the frame of the project ‘Emergency initiative against human traffickingexploitation of migrants and to support the reintegration of returnees”.
Reference: AID 11548

Background information

Amref Health Africa–Comitato Collaborazione Medica ONLUS is a not-for profit organization born on 10th December 2020, from the merger of “Comitato Collaborazione Medica” Association (CCM) and “Amref Health Africa Onlus”. The present project had been started by previous CCM, whose key mission was to promote the right to health and ensure access to essential health care.

In Ethiopia, CCM is registered in the country since 1998. CCM projects in Ethiopia aimed at contributing to the promotion of a good health and quality of life for the poor and vulnerable people in the most remote areas of the country. In the field of migration, returnees and IDPs, CCM is currently running projects in Tigray Region, Amhara Region and Oromia Region. The present project had been started by previous CCM, whose key mission was to promote the right to health and ensure access to essential health care.

In Ethiopia, CCM is registered in the country since 1998. CCM projects in Ethiopia aimed at contributing to the promotion of a good health and quality of life for the poor and vulnerable people in the most remote areas of the country. In the field of migration, returnees and IDPs, CCM is currently running projects in Tigray Region, Amhara Region and Oromia Region.

Ethiopia is a country of origin, destination and transit of migrants. The migratory flow of Ethiopians to other countries is complex and involves regular migrants, irregular migrants, and victims of trafficking. The main routes identified for irregular migration from Ethiopia are: 1) the “East route” through Djibouti and Yemen to Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern countries, 2) the “North route” through Libya towards Europe, 3) the “South route” through Kenya to the countries of South East Africa and South Africa.

The migrants (between 300,000 and 350,000 people) were trafficked or smuggled by traffickers, with the aim of subjecting them to forced labor and trafficking for sexual purposes. As documented by numerous studies, most of the Ethiopians who emigrated abroad did so through irregular channels, facing dangerous journeys, exposing themselves to kidnappings for extortion, robbery, physical and sexual aggression and even death. An even more recent study reveals that over 70% of Ethiopian returnees from Yemen have witnessed or suffered extreme forms of physical and psychological abuse.

Particularly relevant West Hararghe Zone (Region of Oromia) is the phenomenon of Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV). Currently there is a national strategic plan for the prevention and response to sexual and gender-based violence for Refugees, (the Ethiopia National Refugee Strategy for Prevention and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence 2017-2019), developed on the basis of UNHCR Action against SGBV (2011), but no specific plan has been developed for young returnees and women victims of trauma and abuse who live in communities and outside humanitarian and emergency contexts.

The data currently available at national and regional level with respect to the GBV and the phenomena of violence, and to the needs of returnees in particular, are insufficient and do not allow national and regional authorities to build an adequate strategy to ensure the integrated management of victims and the planning of coordinated responses regarding their health, assistance and protection.

In West Hararge Zone (Region of Oromia) CCM has recently conducted a technical assessment in the area (in particular in the Chiro City) with the aim of identifying the health facility in which to establish a pilot centre for assistance to victims of violence and returnees or potential migrants who have suffered abuse, exploitation and who need psychosocial care and assistance.The results determined that the hospital in Chiro is the most suitable facility for skills and capabilities.

CCM is currently implementing the project Emergency initiative against human trafficking exploitation of migrants and to support the reintegration of returnees’ started on the 16th April 2019 in the zone.

The project is funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation – AICS of Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

The project aims at strengthening social cohesion and contributing to the fight against trafficking and exploitation of people on the East migration route improving the protection of migrants.

This goal will be achieved through 3 results:

  • Government services and the civil society of the territories of Amara, Oromia, and Addis Ababa are strengthened and have developed a collective conscience and knowledge on the migration phenomenon and updated the local development agenda to favor the socio-economic inclusion of, returnees and potential migrants.
  • The potential migrants and returnees of the target areas reconstruct family and identity links and have access to health and social services of psychological support and mutual aid.
  • The potential migrants and returnees of the target areas have developed new employment and socio-economic inclusion opportunities also to the benefit of the community’s well-being.

The remote social study

 Amref Health Africa–Comitato Collaborazione Medica ONLUS is looking for an external consultant expert in Sexual and Gender-Based Violence and migration in order to carry out a specific remote study, due to the current pandemic, able to provide an in-depth knowledge of the current situation and provide evidence-based information related to the SGBV phenomena in the target area.

The methodology should focus on the health and psycho-social problems related to young returnees and women who suffered from exploitation, violence and abuse during the migratory experience and the challenges experienced in the subsequent reintegration process within the communities to which they belong.

The study should provide more information and knowledge about the social aspects linked to the problem of sexual violence, abuse and traumas suffered by returnees in the project’s intervention areas and support the project in identifying the specific needs of the target population and the existing gaps related to the actors with a key role in caring for victims.

The findings will be used to reinforce the project strategy and in particular the inter-institutional coordination in order to identify and implement concerted prevention strategies and assistance services to victims. The study will also analyze the degree of efficiency of the support system and protocols, providing useful recommendations in order to strengthen the Victim Assistance Pilot in the Chiro Hospital.

Scope of the service

 The study is needed to provide a qualitative framework about the challenges of the returnees in terms of SGBV and psychosocial needs as well as the local knowledge and perception of the same domain, assessing the management strategies currently in place and the available caring resources. The study will gather important data useful to better address the needs of the Victim Assistance Pilot service at Chiro Hospital, already settled and activated by CCM. The consultant will do a remote study considering the existence of the current pandemic, COVID-19.


The objectives of the study are:

  • Investigate the challenges of the returnees living in the project area, particularly youth and women, paying attention to the domains of SGBV, health and psycho-social needs.;
  • Investigate institutional and community perceptions and practices about returnees’ challenges, particularly focusing on SGBV and psychosocial needs.
  • Identify available resources and operational gaps in the area in managing SGBV cases through provision of adequate support (e.g. psychosocial support, access to justice, protection system), and the social acknowledgment of the Victim Assistance Pilot in Chiro Hospital against the social perceptions above mentioned.

Suggested Methodology

 The consultant will lead the study remotely with the support of the organizations’ local staff for the local data collection. The data collectors will be availed by the organization. The study process should be impartial, independent and as open as possible with respect to the results achieved and made available. It is suggested to use a mix of qualitative and quantitative techniques internationally accepted and scientific tools based on verifiable data and information collection.

The process must involve the beneficiaries, the partners (in particular the local ones) and all the stakeholders able to provide learnings that might lead to  better efficiency and effectiveness in achieving shared results. The methodological tools must be designed and adapted according to the characteristics of each beneficiary group involved. In particular, the methodology must be gender-sensitive and ensure a balanced representation and participation by all groups of the communities.

 The consultant is expected to include at least the following activities in the methodology:

  1.  Induction of the organization’s staff and stakeholders about participatory approach and tools
  2. Train one local Study Focal Point and the organization’s field staff about the methodology, goal and the strategy of the study and his/her role
  3. Investigate returnees’ challenges, particularly on SGBV and psychosocial support needs, as well as local behaviours and practices about SGBV care and psychosocial support towards returnees through extensive desk review, questionnaires and Key Informants’ Interviews (KII).
  4. Support the organization’s team in the identification of existing reference documents and materials for SGBV management and returnees’ reintegration

Expected Outputs

  1. Inception report displaying the approach, sampling technique, size and location and organization of field work, discussed and validated with the project manager before the beginning of field work.
  2. Final consistent high-quality study report along with copy of tools used, significant abstract of interviews and pictures collected during the study.
  3. Executive summary report.
  4. Soft copy of raw data.

All documents must be provided in soft copy in English.

Users of the report

 Main users of the evaluation will be:

  1. CCM team
  2. Project stakeholders
  3. Italian Agency for Development Cooperation – AICS

 Required Qualifications/Expertise

The individual or team should have the following specific experiences and qualification:

  • Understanding of GBV interventions and returnees’ domain
  • Sound experience in conducting qualitative research in the frame of community health projects
  • Knowledge of participatory approach methods and tools
  • Knowledge and experience in community health-related projects
  • Working experience with GBV/psychosocial/mental health projects;
  • Working experience in Ethiopia (in Oromia Region is as preferable requirement)
  • Excellent reporting and communication skills
  • Capacity to liaise among different relevant stakeholders at national and local level
  • English and Italian mandatory, written and oral. (Local language is a preferable requirement)


The research shall be conducted and finalized before mid of April 2021 and the report must be submitted before end of April 2021.

Evaluation criteria

The consultant proposal will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Academic Background (max 10 points)

  • Academic Degree in Anthropology/sociology/social science or related fields
  • Other qualifications in anthropology/sociology/social science or in management of health-related projects are assets

Working Experiences (max 30 points)

  • 10 points for years of significant working experience in Ethiopia, and/or comparable settings (max 10 points, from 5 years on)
  • 10 points for years of significant working experience in socio health related projects (max 10 points, from 5 years on)
  • 10 points for years of significant working experience in research regarding the knowledge and practices of local health system, health-seeking behaviours and related pathways in Ethiopia and or comparable settings (max 10 points, from 5 years on)

 Linguistic knowledge (max 5 points)

  • Knowledge of written and spoken English and Italian (B1 / B2: Independent user Common European Framework of Reference of Languages)·     Knowledge of the local language is an asset

Methodological and financial proposal (max 20 points)

  • The consultant is expected to include the above mentioned activities (Suggested Methodology) in a two-page maximum methodological proposal
  • A detailed financial proposal is requested Other skills useful for carrying out the assignment, which can be found in the training and professional experiences and in the motivational letter (max 10 points)

How to apply

Please send your application as follows:

  • CV in PDF format for a maximum of three (3) pages, including the authorization to process data pursuant to Law n.675/96. Signed and dated
  • Motivational letter, maximum 1 page   
  • Methodological and financial proposal 

Submission by 2/3/2021 to the address indicating as object the words “Consultancy GBV AID 11548

The human resources department with the support of the internal referent of the country will conduct the process of evaluating the candidacies and the selection of experts, based on the qualifications and experience acquired by the CV.

It will not be conducted any interview. Please, note that all Curricula received will be viewed, but only those selected will be contacted.

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