Fondazione Terre des Hommes Italia sta selezionando un/a Consulente per valutazione finale Progetto AICS da inserire nella sua operatività in Birmania. Durata 2 settimane. Scadenza candidature 16/03/2020
Consulente per valutazione finale AID 10942 | Progetto “Gestione delle Risorse Ambientali, Economiche e del Territorio -GREAT” finanziato AICS – Birmania
Terre des Hommes Italy is currently implementing the G.R.E.A.T Project (Gestione delle Risorse Ambientali, Economiche e del Territorio – Economic, Environmental and Territory Resources Management Project), co-funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), with counterpart the Myanmar Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation – Department of Rural Development (DRD) and in partnership with Progetto Continenti (PC), Positive Action (PA), Yezin Agriculture University – Campus of Magway (YAUMC), Università degli studi di Bologna (UNIBO) and Leading Innovation & Knowledge for Society foundation (LINKs).
The project objective is to strengthen rural communities’ resilience for climate change adaptation through:
· Enhancement of nutrition and income of rural population through differentiation and year-round extension of productive activities.
· Improvement of communities’ and institutions’ sustainable natural resources management skills, knowledge, practices and attitude.
Project location: Magway and Natmauk Townships, Magway Region
- Initial desk review report, regarding G.R.E.A.T project, utilizing documentation produced during project implementation (3 days). This step is fundamental to get acquainted with project area characteristics, stakeholders, objectives and functionality.
- Visit to at least 10 project villages (5 from Natmauk and 5 from Magway township), in order to analyze and assess project activities and their impact through focus group discussion (FGD), observation and key informant interviews (KII), and other relevant methodology recommended by the consultant (8 days).
- Production of a final evaluation report in English language (3 days).
Expected time frame:
The evaluation period should occur between the 23rd of March 2020 and 10th of April 2020. The deliverables must be submitted to TDH-It by 24th of April 2020.
Reporting line:
The Consultant will report directly to the project coordinator. TDH-It will provide relevant background information as per need and logistic support during the evaluation in the field.
Minimum requirements:
- Livelihood or Rural Development background OR similar sound consultancy experiences with any other background
- Experience in designing and conducting surveys and project evaluations in relevant fields
- Experience in writing reports (previous experience in writing mid-term and final evaluation is preferred)
- Proficient in verbal and written English, with the ability to distil highly technical material into easily understood narratives.
Previous working experiences in Myanmar are important assets.
Selection criteria and submission requirements
- A cover letter of no more than 2 pages, including details of previous report writing and project evaluations performed, and qualifications which meet the service requirements
- Curriculum vitae (maximum 4 pages highlighting work experience and relevant qualifications).
- Full contact details of at least two relevant referees from among recent clients.
Short-listed candidates will be invited to an interview at TDH It premises or in remote.
Perfect knowledge of English is required. Knowledge of Myanmar will be considered as an important asset.
Application procedure: if you are interested, please cite “Consultancy for Final Independent Evaluation of G.R.E.A.T Project” in subject line of email and submit your application and documentation requested by e-mail to <>;(TDH-It HR Officer) Cc to:
Applications not including all of the above information will not be reviewed. TDH It is an equal opportunity employer.
Closing date for receipt of proposals: 16th March 2020 (6:00 p.m. MMT)