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World Friends – Due nuove posizioni – Kenya

World Friends Italia sta selezionando un/a Deputy country coordinator e un/a Country Administrator per la sua sede in Kenya. Scadenza per le candidature 26 aprile 2018




Work Location: Kenya – Nairobi

Deadline: 26 April 2018




Deputise for the Regional Coordinator in his absence or whenever delegated.


Operations Management:

Oversee projects implementation in consultation of the relevant Project Managers.

Support and supervise Project Managers in all aspects of finance, administration, human resource and logistics management, ensuring knowledge and adherence to applicable operational systems, policies, donor requirements and country strategy.

Financial Management:

Supervise the project budget management and expenditure, in collaboration with Project Managers, the Administrator and the HQ.


Representation, communication and partnership development:

Represent World Friends at relevant national and local meetings.

Explore and establish new partnerships.

Maintain working relationships with relevant consultants (e.g. lawyer).

Operationally supervise local Communication Officers.


Staff Management:

Line manage Project Managers, including direct supervision and development.

Assist in disciplinary actions.

Lead the recruitment of new human resources.


Quality Management:

Review, develop and implement systems to improve transparency, as well as compliance with relevant policies and guidelines.

Ensure adequate M&E activities.


Bid writing and submission:

Develop project proposals in all their components, through all initial PCM phases.


Technical Assistance:

Provide technical assistance on managerial and operational matters to Ruaraka Uhai Neema Hospital Management Team, as and whenever required.

Perform any other reasonable task upon the Regional Coordinator or the HQ’s discretion.




University Degree in a relevant subject such as Development Studies / Management / Public Health

Strong working knowledge of English and Italian, written and spoken



1 year post-qualification experience in a management position in an NGO and with representation tasks.

Experience in dealing with donors and government officials.

Experience in monitoring and supervising large teams (> 5 people).

3 years of experience in Development Cooperation projects management – a plus if in Public Health.

2 years of experience in a developing country – possibly in SSA.


Skills, knowledge and personal characteristics:

Advanced planning, assessment and analytical skills.

Good leadership and inter-personal skills.

Good ICT competences.

Self-motivated, energetic, hard-working.

Capacity to work under pressure and frequent deadlines.

Practical, pragmatic, flexible, problem solver, detailed-oriented.

Creative and innovative.

Background in Public Health is a plus.


Interested candidates are asked to send their CV (with authorization to process personal data ex Legislative Decree 196/2003) and a letter of references to the address, referring to  “WF Kenya – Deputy Country Coordinator” in the object of the e-mail, no later than 26 April 2018.

Please send your application only if you meet the indicated requirements. Feedback will be sent only to selected CVs.




Country Administrator World Friends Kenya

Work Location: Kenya – Nairobi

Deadline: 26 April 2018


Overall Duties:

The Country Administrator is responsible for the operational management and execution of all the administrative activities necessary for the realization of the projects and further activities of WF in the country of competence. The direct interlocutor, under whom he/she works, is the Regional Coordinator of WF in the same area of ​​competence. The direct interlocutor at the Rome office is the Head of the Administrative Office.


Specific tasks and responsibilities

  • Institutional presence

Execution and assistance to the Coordinator in the administrative aspects connected with the institutional presence of WF in the area of ​​jurisdiction.

  • Inter-institutional relations and formal commitments

Execution and assistance to the Coordinator in the administrative aspects connected with inter-institutional relations and assumption of commitments in the area of ​​competence (with special emphasis on contracts, conventions, institutional agreements and other formal commitments).

  • Strategic and political action

Execution and assistance to the Coordinator in the presentation of the proposals connected with the definition of the strategic and political action lines of WF in the area of ​​​​jurisdiction.

  • Management of offices

Execution and assistance to the Coordinator in the formulation of general and specific criteria (including any regulations) for the management of WF offices in the area of ​​​​​​jurisdiction, including the use of vehicles and equipment and the measures necessary to ensure the safety of the personnel. In this context, the AP takes responsibility for the organization and monitoring of the contract archive, conventions and agreements with donors and with other institutions.

  • Personnel management

Performance of the following responsibilities and functions in the management of local personnel:

1) support for the supervision of mechanisms for the selection and negotiation (and, in some cases, selection) of the necessary personnel and revision of the administrative components of Job Descriptions (JD).

2) execution of formal obligations required by local legislation;

3) supervision of the transfer to the staff of the necessary educational/informative elements;

4) general monitoring of the work performed by staff with administrative functions.

  • Implementation of ongoing projects

Review and/or formulation of the administrative aspects contained in the documents related to the realization of the on-going projects. Preparation of the accounting and administrative component of the Reports (Intermediate and Final)

  • Responsibilities and administrative functions

Conduct of the following responsibilities and administrative functions:

Possible processing, monitoring and validation of the first monthly notes relating to the costs incurred (both for ongoing projects and for any WF structure costs) and preparation of the statements relating to the Reports (Intermediate and Final).

Supervision of the logistics staff and project managers in identifying the appropriate suppliers and preparing the requests for the necessary offers, preparing the terms of reference and the additional conditions established for any tenders or other procedures for selecting suppliers and taking part in the examination of the offers received.

Instruction and prior approval of the economic and financial commitments necessary for the realization of the activities and projects of WF.

Formulation of the global financial planning (quarterly) and updates (monthly) related to the resources necessary for the realization of the activities of WF

  • Promotion of new projects

Execution of and assistance to the Coordinator in the administrative aspects contained in the documents and agreements related to the formulation of new projects.

  • Transmission of materials and documents to the Rome office



At least 4 years of work experience in financial management positions (Project administrator/Country administrator) with a sound understanding of the work with an international NGO. The knowledge of the region will be a plus.

Advanced university degree in areas relevant to the position

Strong working knowledge of English and Italian, written and spoken. The knowledge of other languages ​​(Spanish, French) will be a plus

Ability to use the main ITn packages (advanced Microsoft Excel competence)

Experience in using accounting management softwares

Complete autonomy in the management of the tasks described above, orientation to the achievement of the objectives and problem solving

Solid experience with funding, regulations, communication procedures of the main institutional donors (in particular: Italian Cooperation, EU, UN agencies,)

Demonstrated ability to supervise complex financial management

Ability to process, analyze and summarize quality financial management information, identify solutions and recommend appropriate actions

Attitude to interpersonal relationships and teamwork: ability to lead and manage a team and to delegate; ability to provide support, guidance and training


Interested candidates are asked to send their CV (with authorization to process personal data ex Legislative Decree 196/2003) and a letter of references to the address  referring  to  “WF Kenya Country Administrator” in the object of the e-mail, no later than 26 April 2018.

Please send your application only if you meet the indicated requirements. Feedback will be sent only to selected CVs.


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