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ASIA – Due nuove posizioni

La ONG Asia ricerca un/a Desk Officer nel Settore della cooperazione allo sviluppo per la sua sede centrale di Roma e un/a Country Representative Nepal. Scadenza invio candidature: 31 luglio 2017



ASIA Onlus ricerca un Desk Officer nel settore Cooperazione allo Sviluppo per sviluppare la progettazione e coordinare le attività progettuali nei paesi asiatici in cui opera.
Sede centrale di Roma
Scadenza invio candidature: 31 luglio 2017
Disponibilità: ASAP
Contratto: determinato, rinnovabile in caso di valutazione positiva del lavoro svolto


Elaborare e definire le strategie nei Paesi di competenza, in accordo con la Direzione
Identificare ed elaborare ipotesi di progetto in collaborazione col personale espatriato o nazionale presente sul campo
Coordinare la gestione e supervisione dei progetti approvati, assicurandone il raggiungimento degli obiettivi e il rispetto delle procedure stabilite dall’Organizzazione e dai Donatori;
Elaborare meccanismi e procedure di controllo sulla gestione dei progetti e effettuare un costante monitoraggio
Coordinare il personale espatriato presente nei paesi e sui progetti
Elaborare procedure operative e linee guida, in accordo con la Direzione, per assicurare il rispetto delle regole amministrative dell’organizzazione e la sicurezza degli operatori in loco
Curare e sviluppare i rapporti con i Donatori istituzionali, sia in Italia che all’estero
Assicurare il rispetto degli impegni presi con i Donatori attraverso l’invio della reportistica e della documentazione principale dei progetti
In collaborazione con l’Ufficio Amministrazione, supervisionare la contabilità, effettuare il controllo di gestione e fornire il supporto richiesto per la rendicontazione dei progetti
Partecipare a missioni di assessment finalizzate alla identificazione e scrittura di nuovi progetti e/o apertura di nuovi paesi
Disponibilità e capacità di interagire e collaborare con gli altri settori dell’organizzazione (Amministrazione, Educazione allo Sviluppo, Sostegno a Distanza, Comunicazione&Fundraising)
Partecipare agli eventi e alle attività promosse dall’Organizzazione al fine di divulgare le iniziative di Cooperazione allo Sviluppo


Esperienza pluriennale di gestione di progetti di sviluppo nei paesi in via di sviluppo
Ottima capacità ed esperienza di scrittura progetti per i principali donatori
Ottima capacità ed sperienza di networking e di sviluppo di partenariati
Perfetta conoscenza dell’inglese
Competenze nella gestione amministrativa dei progetti (pianificazione, supervisione del budget disponibile, controllo)
Disponibilità ad effettuare missioni di monitoraggio e controllo sul campo


Formazione e/o esperienza nei settori: water&sanitation, ambiente, sviluppo rurale
Conoscenza delle lingue o delle culture dell’Asia orientale e in particolare del Tibet
Esperienza pregressa in Asia orientale e in particolare in Tibet


Disponibilità: ASAP
Contratto: determinato, rinnovabile in caso di valutazione positiva del lavoro svolto
Inviare CV a con oggetto: Desk Officer Progetti
Scadenza Candidature: 31 luglio 2017



Nepal Country Representative
Department/Area: International Projects
Reporting to: International Project Desk
Location: Kathmandu (Nepal) with frequent missions in the field (Rasuwa District-Kavre District-Sindhuli District – Sindhupalchok District, others if required)
Contract type: the duration of the contract will be of 12 months (renewable) with 6 months of trial period
Apply before: ASAP before 31st July 2017; in the case of identification of candidate aligned with the profile, the announcement will be terminated in advance
Starting Mission: ASAP


ASIA NGO in Nepal
A.S.I.A. is working in Nepal since 1996 with a Long Distance Sponsorship Program in Kathmandu Valley area (mainly Boudhanath) and Dolpa area. Since 2009 to 2014 has carried out a big WASH project in Kavre District (Baluwa VDC). The project consists in the catchment of ground water through the construction of water wells, polluted water treatment plan, domestic distribution system of drinking water, improved toilets construction, Improved kitchen stoves, School’s rain water harvesting units, family biogas plans, school awareness campaign, and other interventions.
Since Jan 2015 ASIA is carrying out a project in urban and peri-urban areas in Dulikhel and Banepa, on perma-culture and organic farming.
Since 25th April 2015, ASIA is actively working in earthquake emergency and post-emergency in Kathmandu, Kavre, Rasuwa, Sindhupalchok areas (for more infos:
Nowadays ASIA is working in the country with many projects in different fields: Agriculture, Post emergency School Reconstruction, WASH, Education, Culture Protection.


The selected person will be in charge of representing ASIA in the country, coordinating the activities, and ensuring the compliance with ASIA managing process. Being based in Kathmandu, he/she will run and develop the activities through frequent field missions in Rasuwa, Sindhupalchok, Kavre Districts.


Management of the post-emergency programs in Rasuwa, Sindupalchock and the previous programs in Kathmandu, Dolpa and Kavre, assuring the access to education to all children in the intervention areas (reconstruction of school and support to the education system);
Coordination with the local authorities and the international networks;
Guarantee a constant communication between the local office and the HQ in Italy, following the visibility and communication requirements;
Identify partners and projects: identify reliable partners, supervise them in drafting the project proposals to be submitted to donors and to local authorities;
Project monitoring and evaluation: to undertake regular visits to the project sites to gain a clear understanding of project conditions, requirements and constraints; to support ASIA in evaluating of the projects; to supervise the partners in drawing up periodical and final reports;
Office Management and Logistics: to ensure adequate procedures in managing ASIA Office (human, financial and physical resources) and provide logistic support to the missions undertaken by the headquarters for different purposes;
In full compliance with local staff and Roma HQ, ensure the administrative management of the programs and country office related to: contracts, financial and accountancy (including the accounting control, financial reporting, procurement procedures, etc.), budget forcasting and monitoring, cash flow;
Coordinate the Project Managers and ensure the regular implementation of the foreseen activities in full respect of the timing rules and budgets;
Networking: to manage the relationship with the local authorities and to evaluate the possibility of creating partnerships with UN and other International agencies operating in the country;
Application of the procedures: to ensure the compliance with the Management and the Ethical Code adopted by ASIA;


Experiences and Knowledge
At least 5 years experience in Country Representative or Plan Coordinator Roles or Project Management, in International Cooperation sector
University Degree: Preferably in Agro-Forestry, Environment Sciences, Agronomy or proved management skills; will be evaluated CV with other degrees (especially Education, Management, WASH)
Strong management skills and proved knowledge of the procedures of the main national and international donors (UE, UN agencies, AICS, etc.)
Experience in resources planning for the achievement of goals within the timescale.
Proved experience in writing projects for main donor agencies (UE, UN agencies, Ministries of Foreign Affairs, etc.)
Mastery of the relevant technical tools (ex. Project Cycle Management, M&E)
Preferably previous experience in emergency and post-emergency programs
Preferably previous experience in agricultural projects, forest and parks management, education, reconstruction
Proficiency in English, both written and spoken
Preferably Italian mother tongue
Preferably knowledge of Nepal or other Asian Countries
Excellent in Excel
Personal Abilities
Strong ability in coordination and teamwork
Attitude to play a leadership role
Excellent communication skill and sensitivity in dealing with local institutions on critical issues
Dynamic and willing to take initiative to complete tasks assigned
Ability to work for goals in compliance with deadlines
Problem solving skills
Strong commitment to the Mission of ASIA, genuine interest for international cooperation development topics and curious of the surrounding cultural contexts


Candidates are invited to send to and in copy to the following attachments:
Updated curriculum vitae
Cover Letter
Specify at least two references, indicating telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and relation with the candidate

Only applications containing the consent to the processing of personal data under D.Lgs.196/2003 will be considered; incomplete applications will not be considered.


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