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INTERSOS – Liaison Officer VOC (North) – Italia

INTERSOS ORGANIZZAZIONE UMANITARIA sta selezionando un/a Liaison Officer VOC (North) da inserire nella sua operatività in Italia. Durata 6 mesi. Tipo contratto: Scadenza candidature 12/06/2024

Liaison Officer VOC (North)

INTERSOS is an independent humanitarian organization that assists the victims of natural disasters, armed conflicts and exclusion. Its activities are based on the principles of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equality of rights and opportunities, respect for diversity and coexistence, paying special attention to the most vulnerable people.

Terms of reference

Position: Liaison Officer VOC (North)

Code: SR-01-9393

Duty station: Home-based (preferably Milan), with travels in the north of Italy 

Starting date: July 2024

Contract duration: 6 months, renewable

Reporting to: Project Manager

Context of the project

The general objective of the project is fostering the protection of people of concern to UNHCR (POCs) in Italy, supporting them in creating a secure, safe and dignified integration environment in different Italian regions. The Project has a twofold approach in and will ensure that both (individual and associationism) merge and become structured and sustainable over the time. This approach is declined in 2 different pillars, each of which includes various programmatic actions.

These pillars are:

  1. PartecipAzione, a capacity-building program that fosters integration of POCs in Italy by empowering refugee-led and community-based organizations;
  2. Community Outreach Volunteers, a protection format with the objective of enhancing the contact, knowledge and collaboration among the refugee and asylum seeker communities and the services present in the territories through protection, outreach and representation activities;

General purpose of the position

The Liaison Officer VOC (Nord) is responsible for the daily management, coordination and supervision of the field activities implemented by the Community Outreach Volunteers, as well as liaising with local authorities, associations and other key actors at field level. The Officer will organize activities such as awareness sessions and focus group discussions, facilitate contact among volunteers and other stakeholders, provide daily support to the Community Volunteers and their activities on the territory, monitoring their activities and properly reporting to the Project Manager. S/he will be home based and will visit regularly Milan and Bologna. Occasional visits to Turin might be foreseen.

Main responsibilities and tasks

  • Organize, coordinate and monitor the activities carried out by Community Volunteers (among which referrals to services, FGDs, Community Mapping exercises, Awareness Sessions, liaising with third parties);
  • Manage the collection and storage of relevant data regarding participation to the activities and services involved in the implementation of the activities;
  • Deliver or facilitate the organization of training to volunteers as foreseen by the Training Scheme for Community Outreach Volunteers;
  • Liaise with the local and national stakeholders, public and private associations (including CBOs and RLOs), for the implementation of the project and its specific activities;
  • Facilitate and support the participation of COVs in consultation and representation initiatives with diverse stakeholders;
  • Support the Project Manager and the Protection Advisor in the creation and the implementation of tools and SOPs related to the activities of Community Outreach Volunteers;
  • Coordinate and/or conduct Focus Group Discussions and Community Mapping exercise, collecting data and relevant notes;
  • Coordinate and/or conduct Awareness Sessions on relevant topics, when applicable;
  • Monitor the outreach activities conducted by COVs and support the Project Manager in the definition of the outreach strategy of the programme;
  • Identify Community Outreach Volunteers using the appropriate tools and liaising with Human Resources for Friendship Agreements;
  • Collect the requests for reimbursement of Community Outreach Volunteers and producing Purchase Requests per each reimbursement;
  • Support the team in the preparation and the implementation of the National and Regional Events;
  • Support the Communication Officer with the creation of communication material for the activities and the Project;
  • Act as a local representative for INTERSOS and the programme, when applicable;
  • Upon approval from the Project Manager, represent the programme with media


  • Bachelor/Master’s Degree in Humanistics, International Cooperation and Development, International Relationships, Political Sciences and similar. Knowledge of Project Cycle Management is an asset
  • Minimium 2-3 years of experience working in International Cooperation and/or with NGOs; previous experience working with NGOs in Italy and with INTERSOS is preferred
  • Previous experience in liaising with local and national stakeholders, including public and private associations, CBOs, and RLOs
  • Strong facilitation skills for conducting FGDs, community mapping exercises, and awareness sessions
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and data management tools
  • Basic graphic design skills for supporting the creation of communication materials
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to effectively liaise with diverse stakeholders and facilitate community engagement
  • Ability to work independently as well as part of a multidisciplinary team
  • Willingness and availability to travel within the region
  • Based in Milan (preferably)


  • Italian and English;
  • Knowledge of Arabic/French/Spanish/Ukrainian/Russian/Dari is an asset


I/le candidati/e interessati/e sono invitati/e a presentare la loro candidatura attraverso il seguente link:

Il nostro sistema di candidatura è composto da 3 semplici step. I/le candidati/e devono registrarsi alla nostra piattaforma includendo il loro nome, email, password, cittadinanza. Poi, accedere e candidarsi inviando il proprio CV in formato PDF e inserendo una breve lettera motivazionale (max 200 caratteri). 

Solamente i/le candidati/e selezionati/e saranno contattati/e per un colloquio.


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